Vulture Symbolism & Meaning (+ Spirit, Totem & Omens)

Are you interested in the Vulture Spirit Animal? Then this guide is for you!

Have you ever heard of the saying that the vulture is a patient bird? Well, this bird is not only patient but also optimistic, determined, resourceful, and opportunistic.

Unfortunately, not many people see this bird in a positive light. Many cultures hold that the vultures are unclean and evil.

Vultures have been associated with all kinds of evil machinations since time immemorial. This is more so because this bird is a scavenger – it feeds almost exclusively on carrion.

It cleans up the leftovers of predators. But then, in doing so, the vulture comes across as a protective bird that ensures the environment is clean.

This bird uses all its senses, might, and power to accomplish what few other birds do. When it comes into your life as your spirit animal, you should get ready to exude the positive attributes of this bird.

What’s the Vulture Meaning and Symbolism?


Symbol of Cleanliness

Vultures are usually the dominant scavengers in any ecological setup. They feed almost exclusively on the carcasses of animals.

Some of these carcasses may be so rotten that they would be toxic to the other animals and the environment if not removed.

By cleaning the environment in this way, the vulture spirit animal asks you to keep yourself and your world clean of all forms of negativity.

Symbol of Patience and Opportunity

As they spread their mighty wings or sit eagerly on a tree perch waiting for some ailing animal to die, vultures paint the picture of patient opportunists.

This spirit guide teaches you to patiently wait for the opportunities you desire to see in your life. Soon enough, something good is bound to happen, and you wouldn’t want to miss the moment.

Symbol of New Beginnings

The vulture has a strong connection with death.

This is partly because it survives mostly on rotten carrion and partly because myths and fables have painted it as such.

Its association with death reminds you not to stick to old things. Rather, you should allow yourself to move with the flow of life.

Welcome change into your life whenever it happens, and allow the opportunities that come with change to wash over you.

Symbol of Stability and Security

Although at first glance, the vulture looks ominous – evil, even – a closer look tells a different story.

This spirit guide is the right partner to have on your side if you have been feeling unsafe, insecure, and financially inadequate.

Symbol of Protection

Many cultures across the world regard vultures – especially the black variety – as powerful symbols of protection.

These powerful birds indicate the absorption of toxic energy, protection, and renewal. The vulture spirit animal comes into your life to give you an infusion of new energy.

Symbolic Meaning of Vulture Spirit Animal in Various Cultures

Vulture Symbolism in Christian Culture

Since the vulture feeds on carrion, it is considered an unclean animal in the Bible.

The bodies of sinners and outcasts would be left out in the open to be fed on by vultures.

Leaving a dead body out in the open was taken to mean that one would be excluded from God’s kingdom.

For example, people who suffered from ‘unclean’ diseases such as leprosy would be cast out of the city walls, where they’d be at the mercy of the vultures and other scavengers.

At the same time, Christian literature describes the vulture as a symbol of death, shame, judgment, and hellfire.

Anyone associated with this bird was believed to be either mentally or spiritually unwell.

The vulture is also linked to the great nations that tormented God’s children. One such nation is Babylon, which the Bible describes as a place of demons, evil, and vultures.

It was believed that this nation – alongside others that enslaved God’s people – was doing the work of the Devil himself.

The vulture also symbolizes the Devil’s tempting ways. As it circles above, the vulture paints an image of the Devil waiting for a Christian to backslide so that he can pounce on them.

Christians believe that committing evil deeds repeatedly brings one closer to the vulture’s grip – from which it is hard to break free.

Vulture Symbolism in African Culture

In ancient Egypt, vultures were held in high esteem because they were the Pharaoh’s sacred birds. Indeed, it was illegal to kill a vulture either willingly or inadvertently.

The punishment for such a crime depended on one’s rank and status. Servants or commoners would be punished more severely than a member of the nobility.

These birds were also closely associated with other deities such as Nekhbet, the healer, and Isis.

Vultures are not sexually dimorphic (it is hard to tell the sexual difference between males and females). Because of this, the ancient Egyptians believed that vultures were all females.

The vultures thus symbolized purity, virtue, and motherhood.

The fact that vultures feed on carrion was taken in a positive light by the Egyptians. They believed that this was a reminder that everyone must die to be reborn.

Most Egyptian princesses were adorned in clothes covered in white vultures’ features. This not only announced their purity but also indicated their loyalty to the First Mother.

In most other parts of Africa, it was believed that vultures were sent from the spirit world to help the living ward off evil.

Vulture Symbolism in Native American Culture

Among the Native Americans, the vulture has a negative reputation. Some tribes believed that this bird symbolized uncleanliness and betrayal.

Others regarded it as a sign of shame, pain, suffering, and death.

The Native Americans believed that a flying vulture was an agent sent by their enemies to spy on them.

According to mythology, vultures could not be trusted to keep their word. They are depicted as vile creatures that survive through deceit, aggressiveness, and disloyalty.

Although this bird was so reviled, it was not proper to kill it as this would invite untold suffering to the community.

The best that one was allowed was to chase the bird away in the hope it would not return.

The services of a powerful shaman would be sought if a flock of vultures was spotted close to the community.

It was believed that such vultures had congregated to plot the death of important people in the community.

The shaman would cleanse the community and scatter any evil forces that the vultures had dispatched.

It was quite common for some tribes to blame the vulture for deaths in the community – including the death of animals.

Vulture Symbolism in Celtic Culture

Irish mythology talks of an evil monster called Ellen Trechend, who has three vulture heads.

Myth has it that this monster wreaked havoc in the whole of Ireland until he was slain by the hero Amergin Mc Eccit, and the three vulture heads severed.

This fable sums up how most Celtic tribes regarded vultures.

People who went against the norms of society were punished by being fed to vultures.

They would be tied to trees or rocks at high altitudes, where the vultures would eventually eat them up.

Some Celtic communities referred to this mode of punishment as ‘sky burial.’

In some Celtic communities, vultures were thought to have the power to transcend to the world of the dead.

It was believed that these birds would carry the souls of evildoers to the Otherworld. Other more agreeable birds would carry the righteous dead.

Celtic shamans could receive messages from vultures when they returned from their forays in the world of the dead.

These birds often gave the shamans the names of unwanted characters in the community. The shamans wielded this kind of power to keep everyone in check.

It also helped them create a clear separation and a bridge between the physical realm and the world of the spirits.

However, in some Celtic communities, the vulture was looked at more favorably.

These communities appreciated the role this bird played in ridding the community of rodents and other pests that were a threat to people and their animals.

People in these communities believed that the vulture was an intelligent bird that used its energy to protect the world.

Vulture Symbolism in Eastern Culture

In Tibet, the vulture is considered a useful divine being who helps in cleaning the environment. This culture regarded the vulture in a positive light because it fed on carrion and not living beings.

It was believed that the vultures were a physical manifestation of the Tibetan angel Dakini and were, therefore, treated reverentially.

Tibetans regard the vulture as a sign of rebirth. It helped them affirm that life does not end with death.

In honor of the role this bird plays, Tibetans had a festival dedicated to the vulture.

In this ritual, vultures would be fed corpses of dead people.

This served two roles: it would be a gesture of gratitude to the vultures, and it would offer the dead a chance of reincarnation.

If the vultures did not finish eating the sacrifices, the remnants of the dead would be served to other scavengers.

It is believed that Buddha offered his flesh to a vulture to save a dove that was under attack.

Thus, the ritual of feeding dead people to vultures served another purpose: it saved the more vulnerable creatures from being devoured.

When the Vulture is Your Spirit Animal

If you feel a connection to vultures and are interested in their symbolism, they may be your spirit animal.

Here are some insights into what it means to have a vulture as your spirit animal or totem.

As a spirit animal, the vulture represents purification, rebirth, and transformation. Vultures are scavengers, which means they help to clean up and remove dead and decaying matter.

This can be seen as a metaphor for removing negative energy and bringing in positive energy. If you have a vulture as your spirit animal, you may be good at letting go of things that no longer serve you and transforming them into something positive.

As a totem animal, the vulture represents patience, resourcefulness, and efficiency. Vultures are able to fly for long periods without flapping their wings, which means they conserve energy and are able to cover great distances.

If you have a vulture as your totem animal, you may be someone who is able to use your energy wisely and efficiently and who is patient when waiting for the right moment to act.

Vultures as spirit animals or totem animals can also represent the following:

  • Protection: Vultures help to keep the environment clean and free of disease by removing dead and decaying matter. This can be seen as a form of protection.
  • Renewal: Vultures are associated with death and decay, but they also represent renewal and transformation. They help to break down old matter and turn it into something new.
  • Perception: Vultures have excellent eyesight and are able to see things from great distances. If you have a vulture as your spirit animal or totem animal, you may be someone who is able to see things that others cannot.

Overall, having a vulture as your spirit animal or totem animal can bring many positive qualities into your life.

If you feel a connection to vultures, take some time to learn more about their symbolism and what they can teach you.

Are you about to head in a whole new direction? This could be the reason the vulture spirit animal has decided to camp in your life.

This spirit guide stands for new beginnings. It knows what you are aiming for, and it has a clear understanding of the hurdles on your path.

By flying into your life, this spirit animal wants you to know that help is at hand. The vulture spirit will help you clear all the negative energies in your life.

This will give you the chance to see your goals and dreams with unequaled clarity. The Vulture spirit guide will give you the motivation to clear the challenges on your path.

Since this bird soars high in the air, it wants you to have a different perspective of things. For example, did you know you have the power to change your destiny?

The vulture spirit animal encourages you to take charge of your life. No one is better placed than you to make decisions about your future.

Additionally, the vulture spirit animal teaches you to let bygones be bygones. Avoid clinging to past relationships and energies.

It’s time to look forward to new, better things ahead.

The Vulture Power Animal

The vulture is a powerful companion when you want to get things done. You can look to this power guide when you want to assert your independence.

The vulture power animal encourages you to craft your path. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing – that would be going too low for your kind of resourcefulness.

The Vulture Power Guide is an ideal partner if you desire to be more patient. Perhaps you have been making decisions too hurriedly, with hardly enough facts to work with.

The vulture is a very patient bird. It will teach you to use your intelligence to get the best personal and professional deals.

When the vulture power animal makes its way into your life, it wants you to understand that real success takes time.

This spirit guide also comes in handy if you are battling a toxic situation or person. Trust the vulture to help you clear all negativities from your life.

The Vulture Totem Animal

Is your birth totem a vulture? This means you have a powerful ally on your side. You’ll always get the support you need to fulfill your needs.

People with the vulture totem animal are as intelligent as they are creative. They know how to deploy their skills and abilities at the right time for maximum effect.

If this is your totem animal, don’t allow anything to force you into giving up on your goals and dreams. It goes without saying that vultures are some of the toughest animals in the jungle.

If you were born with the vulture as your totem, you are supremely patient. You know how to linger long enough to capture the desires of your heart.

The vulture totem animal warns you against being too optimistic. Learn to listen to all your senses before making important decisions.

Sometimes, you need to pause and evaluate an issue from multiple angles.

Vulture Tattoo Meaning

If you’re looking for a tattoo design that represents strength, protection, and rebirth, a vulture tattoo might be the perfect choice for you.

Vulture tattoos are often chosen as a symbol of survival and adaptability, and they can also represent the importance of family and the cycle of life and death.

Vultures are carrion birds that play a crucial role in the natural world by breaking down decaying matter and facilitating the return of nutrients to the ecosystem.

As such, they are often associated with transformation and renewal, making them a popular choice for those who have overcome difficult times or are seeking a fresh start.

In addition to their natural symbolism, vultures have also been revered in various cultures throughout history.

In some African cultures, for example, vultures are seen as a symbol of good luck and protection, while in Native American cultures, they are associated with purification and transformation.

When it comes to vulture tattoo designs, there are many different options to choose from. Some people opt for a realistic depiction of a vulture, while others prefer a more stylized or abstract design.

Some popular design elements include feathers, wings, and skulls, as well as other symbols of death and rebirth.

Whatever design you choose, a vulture tattoo can be a powerful symbol of resilience and strength.

So, if you’re looking for a tattoo that represents your ability to overcome challenges and embrace change, a vulture tattoo might be just what you’re looking for.

A vulture tattoo indicates you are patient, intelligent, and adaptable. You know exactly what you want in this life, and you know how to get it.

A tattoo of a hovering vulture indicates you are ready for all opportunities that come your way. Ordinarily, vultures hover in the air, waiting for prey to fall dead.

A tattoo of a vulture’s eye indicates you don’t leave anything to chance. You are vigilant, and you have a keen eye for details.

A black vulture feathers tattoo indicates your determination. You are ready to use every resource at your disposal to achieve your goals and dreams.

Indeed, nothing should stop you from going after what your heart desires.

What’s the Meaning of Vulture Dreams?

When vultures appear in your dreams, they can be a symbol of death, rebirth, perception, and fear of the unknown.

The interpretation of a vulture dream depends on the context of the dream and the emotions you felt during the dream.

If you dream of a vulture circling overhead, it could mean that something terrible is happening or will happen in your waking life.

This could be a warning to be cautious and stay alert to avoid potential danger. On the other hand, if you dream of a vulture perched on a tree, it could symbolize the need for introspection and self-reflection.

Dreams about vultures can also represent the fear of death and the unknown. You may be afraid of leaving your mortal life and moving on to the next life.

Alternatively, dreaming of vultures can also be a symbol of rebirth and transformation. This could be a sign that you need to let go of the past and embrace new beginnings.

In some cultures, vultures are seen as sacred birds that represent freedom, resilience, strength, and adaptability. If you dream of a vulture, it could be a message to embrace these qualities and use them to overcome challenges in your life.

Overall, dreaming of vultures can be a powerful symbol that invites you to explore themes of death, rebirth, transformation, and self-reflection.

Pay attention to the context of the dream and the emotions you felt during the dream to gain a better understanding of its meaning.

To dream of a baby vulture means that a project you have been pursuing will come to fruition. This dream could also mean that someone close to you will give birth to a son.

Dreaming of being attacked by a vulture means that someone at your workplace is working against your interests.

Seeing flocks of vultures in your dream is a warning that someone close to you is plotting a hostile takeover against you.

Dreaming of a vulture landing on your car is a warning that you need to use your resources prudently. Perhaps you have been on a spending spree with little care for the future.

To dream of turning into a vulture means that you will overcome your challenges. The good work you have been doing is about to pay off handsomely.

To dream of a vulture circling overhead means that someone is setting you up for failure. They likely want you to take the fall for something they have done.

Dreaming of holding a handful of feathers indicates success. The blessings you have been praying or hoping for will soon locate you.

Understanding Vulture Symbolism

Vultures have been a symbol of death and decay for centuries. However, their symbolism is much more complex than that.

In many cultures, vultures represent a guardian or messenger between life and death, the physical world, and the spirit world.

They have magical powers and are even seen as Gods. It is a contradictory symbol of darkness, mystery, divine power, and great wisdom at the same time.

Vulture symbolism is linked to rebirth and purification of the soul. When the vulture glides into your life, you are sure to undergo a new beginning.

Vultures are also considered messengers between the material world and the spiritual world.

Here are some common interpretations of vulture symbolism:

  • Symbol of protection: Due to their function as scavengers in the natural world, vultures are frequently regarded as emblems of protection.
  • Cycle of life and death: Vultures represent the cycle of life and death. They are associated with rebirth and new beginnings, as well as with the idea of letting go of the old and embracing the new.
  • Purity and patience: Vultures symbolize purity, patience, and trust. They are also considered messengers between the physical and spiritual worlds.
  • Renewal and transformation: Vultures are seen as a symbol of renewal and transformation. They represent the idea of letting go of the past and embracing the future.
  • Divine power and great wisdom: Vultures are also seen as a symbol of divine power and great wisdom. They are associated with the idea of spiritual enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge.

In conclusion, vulture symbolism is complex and multifaceted. While it is often associated with death and decay, it also represents purity, protection, and rebirth.

The next time you see a vulture, remember that it may be a messenger between the physical and spiritual worlds, bringing you a message of renewal and transformation.

Vultures and Death Symbolism

Vultures are often associated with death and decay, as they are known for scavenging and feeding on the remains of dead animals. When you see a vulture circling above, it is often assumed that there is a dead or dying animal below.

Vultures are scavengers that use their keen sense of smell to find rotting carcasses as their main source of food. They also use their keen eyesight to spot carrion or dead bodies from miles away.

Despite being associated with death and decay, in many cultures and traditions, vultures also hold a significant symbolic meaning.

Vulture symbolism might seem a bit ominous at first, but these fascinating birds hold a lot of meaning and can teach us a lot about the world around us.

In some cultures, vultures are seen as messengers between the material world and the spiritual world. They are believed to carry the souls of the deceased to the afterlife. Vultures are also considered protectors of the dead, ensuring that their remains are properly disposed of and not desecrated.

In Native American culture, vultures are mostly associated with negative symbolism. In some regions, a vulture is a bird that symbolizes death and is seen as unclean. A vulture flying is a sign of bad luck or even danger.

Overall, vulture symbolism is linked to the cycle of death and rebirth, representing the continuity of life.

It reminds us that death is a natural part of life and that we should not fear it but instead embrace it as a necessary part of the cycle of life.

Symbolism of Vulture Actions

Vultures are known for their unique behavior, which is often associated with death and decay. However, their actions hold deeper symbolic meanings that are worth exploring. Here are some of the symbolic interpretations of common vulture actions.

Scavenging and Resourcefulness

Vultures are scavengers, meaning they feed on the carcasses of dead animals. While this may seem like a gruesome act, it actually holds a deeper symbolic meaning.

Scavenging represents resourcefulness, the ability to make the most out of what is available. When you see a vulture scavenging, it may be a sign that you need to tap into your inner resourcefulness to overcome a challenge.

Hunting and Power

Vultures are also known to actively hunt weak or injured animals that cannot defend themselves. This represents power, the ability to take control and overcome obstacles.

When you see a vulture hunting, it may be a sign that you need to tap into your inner power to achieve your goals.

Protection and Renewal

Vultures are often associated with protection and renewal. They are known to protect their young fiercely and are also considered to be messengers between the physical and spiritual worlds.

When you see a vulture, it may be a sign that you need to protect what is important to you and renew your spirit.

In summary, vultures hold deep symbolic meanings that go beyond their association with death and decay. Their actions represent resourcefulness, power, protection, and renewal.

By understanding these symbolic interpretations, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages that vultures may be trying to convey to you.

Vultures and Energy Symbolism

When it comes to vulture symbolism, one of the most significant aspects is the connection to energy.

Vultures are known for their ability to transform death into life-giving energy, which is why they are often associated with rebirth and transformation.

In many cultures, vultures are seen as powerful spiritual beings that can help you tap into your energy and unlock your full potential.

They are also seen as messengers between the material world and the spiritual world, which means that they can help you connect with your higher self and access your inner wisdom.

If you are feeling stuck or stagnant in your life, seeing a vulture may be a sign that it is time to let go of old patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving you.

By embracing change and transformation, you can tap into your energy and create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Vultures are also associated with the cycle of life and death. They remind us that death is a natural part of the cycle of life and that it can be a powerful catalyst for transformation and growth.

By embracing the energy of the vulture, you can learn to see death as a natural part of the cycle of life and use it as an opportunity to grow and evolve.

In summary, vulture symbolism is closely linked to energy, life, change, and transformation.

By embracing the energy of the vulture, you can tap into your energy and unlock your full potential while also embracing the cycle of life and death and using it as a catalyst for growth and transformation.

Vultures and Perception

When it comes to perception, vultures are masters of the craft. Their senses are finely tuned to help them locate food and navigate their environment. One of their most impressive abilities is their keen eyesight.

Vultures have excellent vision, which allows them to spot potential prey from high in the sky. They can see for miles and are able to detect even the slightest movements on the ground.

In addition to their eyesight, vultures also have a strong sense of smell. This is particularly useful when they are searching for carrion, as they are able to detect the scent of decaying flesh from great distances.

Vultures also have a highly developed sense of touch, which allows them to feel vibrations in the air and on the ground.

All of these senses work together to give vultures an incredible level of perception. They are able to quickly and accurately assess their environment, identify potential threats, and locate sources of food.

This level of perception is essential for their survival in the wild.

As a totem animal, vultures can teach you the importance of perception in your own life. By honing your senses and becoming more aware of your environment, you can improve your ability to navigate the world around you.

Whether you are looking for opportunities or trying to avoid potential dangers, a heightened sense of perception can help you achieve your goals.

So, take a lesson from the vulture and work on developing your perception. By paying attention to your senses and staying aware of your surroundings, you can improve your ability to navigate the world and achieve success in all areas of your life.

Negative Symbolism of Vultures

Vultures have a negative reputation in many cultures, with associations with danger, bad luck, deceit, judgment, demons, and evil.

In Native American legends, the vulture is a deceitful and aggressive character that bothers other birds. In some regions, a vulture is a bird that symbolizes death and is seen as unclean.

A vulture flying is a sign of bad luck or even danger.

Some cultures believe that the vulture is a filthy bird of death and disease. In these cultures, seeing a vulture is considered a negative omen.

However, vultures also have an association with rebirth and change, which is a more positive symbolism.

Overall, the negative symbolism of vultures is rooted in their scavenging behavior and their association with death.

While they play an important role in the ecosystem by cleaning up carrion, their presence can be unsettling for some people.

Positive Symbolism of Vultures

Despite their association with death and darkness, vultures have positive symbolism that humans can admire.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the positive symbolism associated with vultures.

  • Patience: Vultures are known for their patience in waiting for their prey. This patience can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to be patient in your own life.
  • Protective: Vultures are also protective of their young and their community. They will defend their territory against predators and other threats. This protective nature can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to protect those you care about.
  • Unity: Vultures are social creatures and often work together to find food and protect their community. This unity can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to work together with others towards a common goal.
  • Purity: Vultures are known for their ability to clean up the environment by consuming dead animals. This can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to keep your environment clean.
  • Intelligence: Vultures are intelligent creatures and have been known to use tools to obtain food. This intelligence can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to use your intelligence to solve problems.
  • Wisdom: Vultures have been associated with wisdom in some cultures. This wisdom can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to seek knowledge and understanding.
  • Loyalty: Vultures are loyal to their community and will defend it against threats. This loyalty can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to be loyal to those you care about.
  • Community: Vultures are social creatures and often live in large communities. This sense of community can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to build strong relationships with others.
  • Guardian: Vultures are often seen as guardians of the environment and can inspire you to take care of the world around you.
  • Messenger: In some cultures, vultures are seen as messengers between the material world and the spiritual world. This can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to be more aware of the spiritual world around you.
  • Awareness: Vultures have excellent eyesight and are always aware of their surroundings. This awareness can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to be more aware of your surroundings.
  • Adaptability: Vultures are adaptable creatures and can thrive in a variety of environments. This adaptability can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to be more adaptable in your own life.
  • Healing: In some cultures, vultures are associated with healing. This can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to seek out healing for yourself and others.
  • Trust: Vultures are known for their trust in their community and their ability to trust their instincts. This trust can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to trust in yourself and those around you.
  • Cleanliness: Vultures are known for their cleanliness and their ability to keep their environment clean. This can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to keep your environment clean.
  • Fertility: In some cultures, vultures are associated with fertility. This can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to seek out fertility in your own life.
  • Money: In some cultures, vultures are associated with money and wealth. This can be seen as a positive trait and can inspire you to seek out financial stability in your own life.

Specific Vulture Species Symbolism

Black Vulture Symbolism

Black vultures are known for their dark feathers and sharp beaks. They are often associated with death and decay, but they also have positive symbolism in some cultures.

In ancient Egypt, black vultures were considered sacred birds and were associated with the goddess Nekhbet. They were believed to protect the Pharaoh and the people of Egypt.

In some Native American cultures, the black vulture is seen as a symbol of purification and renewal. They are believed to help cleanse the environment of disease and decay, allowing new life to flourish.

The black vulture is also seen as a symbol of transformation and change, as they are able to adapt to many different environments and situations.

Turkey Vulture Symbolism

The turkey vulture is a large bird with a distinctive red head and a wingspan of up to six feet. They are often seen soaring high in the sky, searching for carrion to eat.

In many cultures, the turkey vulture is seen as a symbol of purification and renewal, much like the black vulture.

In some Native American cultures, the turkey vulture is seen as a messenger between the physical world and the spirit world. They are believed to carry messages from the ancestors and the gods and to help guide the living on their spiritual journeys.

The turkey vulture is also seen as a symbol of patience and resourcefulness, as they are able to survive in harsh environments and find food where others cannot.

Overall, both the black vulture and the turkey vulture have important symbolism in many cultures.

While they are often associated with death and decay, they also represent renewal, purification, and spiritual guidance.

Final Thoughts…

Once you have a good understanding of the vulture symbolism, you will realize that it can provide you with unlimited mental resources.

This spirit guide inspires you to open your eyes to your true potential. You get to benefit from the vulture’s patience, intelligence, and knack for the right opportunities.

The presence of the vulture spirit guide encourages you to take advantage of the blessings and resources in your life.

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